Leave It To The PRofessionals: 4 Reasons Why You Should Hire A Publicist

This is the age of the do-it-yourself entrepreneur.  There are tons of courses, webinars, ebooks, and other resources that empower budding business owners to do everything in their business in house. Now don't get me wrong there are some tasks that you should not outsource as a business owner.  However, I always encourage my clients to focus on their zone of genius.  I especially in encourage this when it comes to developing a public relations strategy on a larger scale. So if you're a small-business owner by all means there's nothing wrong with doing your own PR locally, but when you want to step into the big leagues by reaching out to national media outlets it's time to hire a publicist.

You Have A Newsworthy Story

Without any news there is no PR. As a publicist, it's our job to entice media professionals to cover your story.  Now we can get creative with the angle but there's only so much stretching that can be done to pull out a story that's news worthy.

You Don't Have The Time

Public relations is a fully comprehensive strategy. it's more than just pitching the media, which is just one part of a pr plan. There's also planning events, writing press releases, developing a social media plan, etc. even if we just focus with 1 the pitching part, you have to craft the pitch, send out the pitch, and schedule regular follow-ups. So if this is not something that you do day in and day out it can become overwhelming.

You Don't Have The Relationships

The R in stands for relationships, relationships with the media, influencer, and anyone else to ensure there you have a successful PR campaign.  I always say a publicist is only as good as their contacts.  As a publicist I was spent my entire career developing relationships, So when it's time to pitch a client to a blogger or journalist, most of the time I've already built a rapport with that person previously.  

You Don't Have The Expertise

A publicist uses social media, press, news, campaigns, events, partnerships and branding to keep clients relevant. We find the what’s next before anyone else does.  We use our relationships, trends, and messaging to increase that brand's bottom line. Every PR expert has spent years perfecting their craft.

So if you're not willing to put in the time to become an expert in PR please leave it to the professionals.